Friday, December 5, 2008
BY the way... I am having a graduation party/ going away party on Friday the 12th of December. If you are in the area and have nothing to do come and say by to us! It is at Valerie Sauter's home in McKinney. The address is:
4104 Carmel Mountain Dr, McKinney, TX 75070
It is an Open House and it starts at 4:30 pm.
We would love to see all of you come and see us off!!!
Monday, December 1, 2008
I took a well deserved Saturday off and relaxed in the morning. I went to lunch with the sister missionaries, who I love and admire so much. They make me wish that I had gone on a mission and not gotten married so early. Although who can resist having such a beautiful family! I know that I wasn't meant to go on a mission. Maybe that it is why I appreciate them so much!!! We went to a birthday party in the afternoon and came home and relaxed some more.
On Sunday I went to the house to clean. I know I broke the Sabbath. I figure the Lord knows my heart and how much I have to do before we leave this area. As I was finishing up so that I could get home to go to church with my parents, Elyse came to me and said that she was really cold. When I went to hug her she was burning up! She ran a fever all day yesterday and through the night. I took her to the doctor after school today for there to be nothing wrong with her. DON'T YOU HATE THAT??? There was nothing they could do for her. Maybe it was my imagination that she was sick. At least that's how they made me feel.
I also want to give a big Thank You to those of you who helped me pack and clean! It really does mean a lot that so many people came to my rescue.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
I Heart Shopping!

Though I love shopping (especially for girls) I can't help but have a smile on my face when I can go shopping right from my very own attic! Here are some of the 18 month clothes that I found up in the attic for Madyson! How wonderful! I am so excited! Time to put away the 12 month summer clothes! Winter and Christmas here we come!
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Random Picture Tag

I really liked this picture tag so I am going to do it.
Here are the rules:
1. Go to your folder that has all your pictures.
2. Pick the 4th folder and the 4th picture.
3. Post the picture and write a story about that picture.
4. Do it if you want to! I thought it was a fun way to look back in the past and remember what some of my pictures are!
Here goes....
This picture was taken with Elyse and I on her first Christmas. (Elyse was 8 1/2 months old.) Actually it was an early Christmas with my family since we spent Christmas that year with Clay's family. We were at my parents house and this is Elyse and I opening her Christmas presents from Grandpa and Grandma Minson! I love Christmas time and look forward to the next few months of cool weather and the anticipation of Christmas!
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Reflections of Christ
Here is the Link. Let me know what you think!
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Prop 8 must see
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Scary or Not?

These pictures are for you Clay!
Tonight we are going to the ward's Trunk or Treat. This is a great time for me and the girls to spend time with friends from church. We haven't been to church in ages it feels like. It has been not stop around here for the month of October. Hope everyone has a safe trick or treating this Friday. And for those who I will see soon I look forward to seeing the costumes you have for your kiddos!
P.S. Mady wouldn't take a pictures by herself for some reason. Hopefully I can get some tonight!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
So in Love

I am so in love with my daughters. They bring such happiness into my life. Mady looked so cute today that I had to take her picture and when I did I received the happiest and cutest smile EVER! She is in the cheese stage! She loves saying cheese and gives the cutest smile when she does. My mom put her hair in pig tails for the first time today and she sure looks cute in them and I think that she knows it. Mady loves talking on the phone. She especially loves talking to Daddy at night. Daddy is working during the week down in San Angelo. The girls miss him! I think it is taking its toll on all of us, but it is a sacrifice that I have to make at this time! We miss you and love you Daddy!
Last night we carved pumpkins. I had so much fun with my girls. Elyse had fun! She was really intent on getting all of the seeds out of the pumpkin. I love this time of year. More to come hopefully soon with Halloween pictures.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
What we Want...
A bear-huntin'
corruption- bustin'
God -fearin'
head turnin'
I usually don't express my opinions about politics because usually people tend to disagree on that and I am not a confrontational person, but GO MCCAIN AND PALIN!!!
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Conference Weekend
Clay left this afternoon to start his new job in San Angelo. He is really excited about this. I am looking forward to this move not because I want to get away from here (I love it here!). I just want to meet new people and have more opportunities to share the gospel with my neighbors.I look forward to serving in the kingdom of our Savior. I know that our family is doing the right thing. This is what our Heavenly Father wants us to do at this time.
Sunday, September 21, 2008

Saturday, September 6, 2008
10 things
1.) Being a teacher is hard work.
2.) I love teaching middle school! Call me crazy but it is awesome!
3.) I especially love teaching 8th graders math.
4.) I love teaching the struggling learners. It is fun seeing their successes.
5.) Math is the greatest subject!
6.) I love the technology that we are able to use today. It is so much different than when I was in middle school or high school. It is great!
7.) I don't mind being observed by other teachers. One of the special ed teachers came in and observed the class that I was teaching and I really wasn't nervous. It was really exciting and she told me that I did a really good job! That for sure boosted my self esteem a little!
8.) I have not had time for anything personal whatsoever. I hardly even read at night which is so unlike me! I am so tired at 8:30 that I go in my room, read my scriptures and go to bed.
9.) An all boy class is really hard work. I can't decide who talks more boys or girls. I am beginning to think that boys talk more than girls do.
10.) Sleep is very important! It is hard going from not working for 3 1/2 years to working. Where I was able to pretty much get as much sleep as I needed I am now forced to go to bed much earlier and get up much earlier! I like it though. My days definitely feel more productive. It is certainly an adjustment period that I am going through.
I did teach my first class this week. It is nice that my teacher is letting me teach two of her classes because she guides and helps me for the first one and than I can pretty much do the second class without any help. I am now dreading teaching this advanced boys class. I will try to step up to the challenge sometime this week or next.
I was able to help the sister missionaries out this week and it really made my week! I love giving service to others even though I am so busy. I love having the sister's in our home and feeling of their sweet spirits!
This pretty much sums up my week! Hope the rest of my bloggin' friends had a great week as well!
Saturday, August 30, 2008
1st week
Monday, August 25, 2008
First Day of School
Friday, August 22, 2008
What Olympic Sport are You?
You Are Volleyball |
![]() You enjoy a fast paced, somewhat chaotic life. You don't like to over think things. You like to act in the moment. You are good at solving problems at the very last minute. |
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Going Private
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Waiting Game
Monday, August 18, 2008
Wish us luck!
Friday, August 8, 2008
Summer Lovin'

Here we are with my sister Jenny, her son Tyler and Elyse and I on the Tilt - A- Whirl at the the Sandy Lake Amusement Park in Carrollton.

Sorry for this post being so long! I needed to catch everyone up with pictures and things from the Summer. Hopefully I will be able to keep up with blogging somewhat once school starts! Wish me luck!
Friday, August 1, 2008
The Joys of Blogging...

Wednesday, July 30, 2008
How would you like this thing living with you? My brother sent this picture to me from his mission in Ecuador. This little guy (iguana?) was inside his apartment.
Friday, July 25, 2008
Here ya go...4 Things You May Not Know About Me:
1. I secretly or not so secretly love ice cream! That is my favorite thing at night. Hence the reason why I can't get the last 10 pounds of baby weight off!
3. I love to read just about anything! I have a new found love that should have been a love a long time ago...the scriptures! I love the Book of Mormon and cannot put it down! This is only the second time in my life that I have read it. I know call me horrible!
4 Places I Go Over and Over:
the neighborhood pool
my Mom and Dad's House
4 People That Email Me:
Elder Minson (My brother)
4 of My Favorite Foods:
Homemade pizza
anything my husband cooks
a good steak
4 Places I'd Love to Be:
On the beach in Hawaii
San Antonio
Utah with family
4 Movies I Watch Over and Over
I don't really watch movies over and over.
Friday, July 18, 2008
Memory Tag
1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!
2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you.
Girls Night!
Friday, July 11, 2008
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Pity party or not
The good part of this is that we are able to spend more time with Daddy. We have gone to the pool quite a few times. We had a great 4th of July. He has been able to play with the girls more. And he isn't so tired at night. Ironically enough we just bought a Wii. We have had fun playing it at night after the kids go to bed. I am pretty competetive and every time I lose I make him do a rematch. Okay not every time just sometimes. By the way boxing is by far the funnest game on the Wii sports. We laughed and played for almost 2 hours the other night. This is funny because I usually do not play video games. For some reason this wii sucked me into the deathly grip of video games.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Temple Night!

I have been so horrible about attending the temple lately. Clay and I were talking about the last time that we went and that was back in October when my brother went through for the first time. I can't believe we have waited that long to go to the temple. Clay was able to get off work early. I don't mean a few minutes early. Almost a half a day early!!!! Surprising! That never happens. He spent a few hours doing something with his truck and then my mom came over at 4:30 and we were able to leave right after that. The session was at 7:30 so we had lots of time to spare and to spend time with each other. We went and had dinner at this Greek restaurant which I don't recommend. We laughed about it afterward because we thought it was going to be really good, but it was pretty much bar food. Not so good! Oh well! You live and learn! We then went to the bookstore near the temple. We only have one LDS bookstore in the Dallas area so it is a big deal when I am able to go. I always spend way more than I should. I really needed to go this time because I just got called as the Nursery Music person. Aughhhhhh! I don't know why singing with 3 year olds intimidates me, but it does. I also picked up the 3rd book in the Great and Terrible series. Which I totally recommend to anybody who likes to read! It is an awesome book. Finally we made it to the temple. I love going to the temple. Everytime I go I feel so much better and more ready to take on the world when I leave! I felt rejuvenated! I love the feeling of peace that it brings to be in the House of Lord, the most sacred place that we have on this earth. Anyway, we had a great night!
Thursday, June 26, 2008
The Cannery
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
My Brothers!
I love my brothers! I want everyone to know this because they are two very important people in my life. They will probably never see this, but I want others to know how proud I am of them and the things that they are doing in their lives. They are both serving is serving for our Church and the other for our Country. My brother Scott is 21 years old and is serving our country. He is in the Marines. Currently he is at Camp Pendleton, CA. He is training to go to Iraq in August. I am so nervous for him, but I know that he is doing the right thing protecting us from danger. It is men like him that give us the freedom that we experience and enjoy. I am so proud of him! I don't have an updated picture of Scott, but he makes a handsome Marine.
My other brother Eric, is 20 years old and serving a mission in Ecquador for our church. I am so proud of him and the decision that he made to serve this mission. It has been difficult for him to learn the language, but the last two companions did not speak much English and that has helped him out a lot. He has been out for 6 months, but has had much progress in those 6 months. He is a bright young man and has grown so much in the gospel these past few years before his mission. I know that his testimony will become deeper as his mission progresses.
I miss both of my brothers very much, but I know that they are doing the work that is required of them at this time. I am proud to call them my brothers!
Monday, June 16, 2008
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Indy Car 550

Thursday, May 29, 2008
Happy Anniversary!
First I have to write a little about the previous years before we met because it connects to the story in a small way. When I was a junior in high school I was living in Idaho. My dad got a job in Dallas, Texas and so as a family we decided that we needed to move. We picked up and moved pretty fast. Actually it was a matter of a few weeks. Anyway, the whole time I was here I wanted to go back. I liked it, but felt that I didn't have very many friends. I was one of the few members of the church which had never happened to me up until this point. So I decided that I was going to go back to Rexburg to BYU-Idaho for college. I went for a year (actually a summer semester and a fall semester.) When I came home i was planning to back to school in Idaho. I had really been praying about what I should do and I felt that it was not right for me to return to school in Idaho. So I stayed here. It was hard finding friends again because most of the LDS friends that I had made were away to school at BYU or BYU-I. My mom suggested that I try going to institute. This was the BEST advice any mom can give to their young adult child. I really loved institute. It is a great program that the church has put in place! Clay and I met at institute. Clay is a convert and I met him at the first institute that he went to after he was baptized. I remember that our institute teacher had asked Clay to stand up and bear his testimony. Imagine a man who has just recently joined the church bearing his testimony. It was so strong. I remember being very touched by the testimony that he had gained. Although I was touched by his testimony I was also dating somebody else at the time so I didn't really think anything of it. A few weeks later he introduced himself to me. I was having a bad night (going through a breakup) and he came and said "Hi, my name is Clay." He intrigued me. I guess I still remembered the testimony that he gave and began talking to him. (Just an FYI our dance at our wedding was You Had Me From Hello by Kenny Chesney.) It seemed perfect for how we really met. We dated and soon became engaged. These past four years have had there ups and downs. While I love being married it was a hard adjustment for both of us. I would never tell anyone that marriage is just bliss. It has its blissful moments, but it also has its other not so blissful moments.
We have been through a lot. But I have gained a deeper meaning of love and appreciation through these 4 years. I look forward to many more years and know that it will only get better!!!
Friday, May 23, 2008
Trips and Doctor
Today I had to take Elyse to the Ear Nose and Throat Specialist. She has been getting ear infections like crazy! (About once a month since December.) We went to Presby Allen and as we were driving up to park this is the conversation that we had.
Me: Elyse, this is the hospital that you and Madyson were born. Do you remember last year when Mommy had Madyson and you came to see us?
Elyse: (nod of the head and silence)
I proceed to take her out of the car.
Elyse: But Mommy... I don't have a baby in my tummy why are we coming here?
I started laughing it was the cutest thing she has said in a while that I can actually remember.
Needless to say...she is getting tubes in her ears on June 11th. She also had ANOTHER ear infection. I am ready for the tubes. I missed a lot of school and work this sememster. I want her to feel better as well. Speaking of feeling better I had better get off and go pick up her medicine!
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Kenny Chesney Here We Come!

I suppose it is time for an update on school! I have been crazy busy. My first semester of student teaching is FINALLY finished!!! It is official...I am graduating in December! And I have the whole summer off! Which I have not had since I began this long long journey 6 years ago. I didn't realize how difficult going to school is with kids. I had my only final yesterday. We drove all the way to Fort Worth to go to the Science Museum for my science final. The museum was cool, but the final took all the fun away from the museum.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Our Sweet One Year Old!

Our Precious baby girl!
I thought that I would show a picture of Mady when she was born. She just turned a year last Saturday the 19th of April. We had a small family party. It was nice to have family to come and celebrate with us. We are sad that some of our family were unable to make it. Mady is a pure delight to our family. She is the happiest baby! She went through a time where she screamed a lot! Now she really doesn't scream anymore she talks! She has the cutest baby babble. Mady took her first step about 2 weeks ago! She is stumbling along now. I am sure it is only a matter of weeks before she will really be walking! My favorite moment of this past year was that Mady said "Mama" for her first word! I was excited! Elyse said "Dada" first so I thought it was great that Mady said Mama. She just learned to say "dog." Sylvia Holegate has been watching Mady during the day. Sylvia does a wonderful job with her! They have dogs in the backyard and she said Mady likes to watch them through the window. She now also says "woof." I am going to have to give Sylvia or the dogs credit for that one. We love Madyson. She brings a special spirit of happiness into our home!
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Time Out For Women

I am so excited! I finally had the opportunity to attend Time Out For Women. For those of you who are not familiar with Time Out For Women it is a 2 day spiritual event for women. It is a time of laughter and learning! I had so much fun with my mom! It was so nice to go and spend a day and a half with her. We left on Friday afternoon and drove to Oklahoma City. The drive was beautiful. There were so many colorful flowers. At time out for women their was a new group who just came out with their first CD. Their name is Mercy River. They sound great together! They are a group of 3 women. The first night was a lot of fun! Micheal McLean preformed and spoke! He is a great man and performer!
I learned so much both nights. The theme this year was a Joyful Life. I really needed this weekend more than I think I will ever know. I want to thank my Mom for thinking of me. We had such a nice time. It was nice to reconnect with my Mom. I would definately suggest this time for anyone who might need a break and some spiritual enlightenment. A big, extra big thanks to my sweetheart for taking the girls for me!
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Swing Set

We have a swing set!!!
This thing is great for the girls. I think this will be my saving grace this summer. Now our trips down to the community park won't be as many. Well maybe it will since the pool is down there, too. I imagine we will see our fair share of the pool!
Here are a couple pictures of the girls on their new swing set!
As for me with school....when will it end? I have three weeks left and looking forward to being finished! I only wish that I had the diploma to go with being finished for the semester. Not quite. One more semester! As many of you know I am studying to be a teacher. This has been a long process, but looking back I feel that I will benefit in so many ways!
Clay is still working for Newport Homes. He has been there since last August. I have heard many homeowners say how happy they were with the quality of his work! This is a great job for him. Although the commute is crazy! I guess most of us (or our husbands) have long commutes.
Saturday, April 5, 2008

Happy Birthday dear Elyse Bryanne,
Happy Birthday to you!
On April 1st Elyse Bryanne had her 3rd Birthday!
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Texas Winter

This past week was crazy! We had a weird weather week last week. One day it was 80 degrees the next day it was snowing. We had two snow storms last week. Elyse loved playing in the snow! On Thursday during the snow storm she and I went outside and made a snowman. We had a lot of fun. Madyson was inside taking her nap so she missed all of the fun. I really enjoyed spending time with Elyse. I have been so busy lately that sometimes I fail to give her my full attention. It is so hard going to school and being the mom that I should and want to be. Hopefully when school is finished I might be able to stay at home with the kids for a while. Hopefully Heavenly Father will bless our family so that I might be able to do that.