
Thursday, July 10, 2008

Pity party or not

I have been hesitant to write lately because I know that anything I say will come out sounding like a pity party. Which I am having at times by the way. Clay came home last Monday from work well before the time that he should have. I knew something was wrong immediately when he walked in the door at noon. He said that it wasn't good. He was laid off. The housing market isn't doing so hot here. Not to mention he was working for a really small company that had less than 20 employees. He was the one to be booted. That is just my luck because he was laid off last year right before Madyson was born. It just isn't a good time right now. We had to cancel Elyse's surgery for her ears because we didn't think that we had insurance. When Clay talked to the owner of the company this week we found out he kept us on the insurance until the end of the month. The problem that we are having now is we will need the money that we were going to use for her surgery to pay bills. This is such a mess. I wish that I was finished with school so that I can help out, but wishing isn't going to change anything. So we are in the same position as we were last summer. Yipee! (Notice the sarcasm.) Funny enough I have had a week and a half to let this set in and I am feeling more at peace. I know that we will be taken care of as we were before and that there are bigger and better things awaiting our family. We are trying to stay true and faithful and by us doing this the Lord will bless our family.
The good part of this is that we are able to spend more time with Daddy. We have gone to the pool quite a few times. We had a great 4th of July. He has been able to play with the girls more. And he isn't so tired at night. Ironically enough we just bought a Wii. We have had fun playing it at night after the kids go to bed. I am pretty competetive and every time I lose I make him do a rematch. Okay not every time just sometimes. By the way boxing is by far the funnest game on the Wii sports. We laughed and played for almost 2 hours the other night. This is funny because I usually do not play video games. For some reason this wii sucked me into the deathly grip of video games.


Sarah said...

never feel bad for letting it all out there. blogging has been one of my best ways to cope through all the crap I have been through lately. its nice to know that we can share our lives and know that others understand and care whats going on with us. hang in there and holler if you need anything. our financial situation isn't that great right now either, thanks to all my health problems and no insurance. i totally feel your pain and am looking at having to work this fall. remember Heavenly Father knows what we need. I know that things will work out, for you and for me. :D

Brooke said...

Good thing that wii is coming in handy right now. . . stress reliever!

You are right, things will work out. Unfortunately not always on our time table, but they always do in the end. Key is keeping faith until that time!

I agree with Sarah, it's nice to vent on our blogs. We might not all have the same "trials", but we all have them at one (or many) time in our lives. Hang in there!

A said...

Hey Amber, I'm sorry about the news. Hang in there! We all deserve a pity party every now and then!

The A Team said...

pity parties always have the best food....don't feel bad about throwing one. i've been there and if you ever want a shoulder, i'm here.

Michelle said...

Well, you´re headed in the right direction. Everybody goes through tough times. Everything will work out. So, now take advantage of the blessings. Count your blessings. You know many times we are more blessed than we thought and the Lord makes everything work out if we do our part. (Don´t forget to pay tithing) That´s a guarantee for blessings.

Melissa Fisher said...

Sorry about the run of bad luck. I'm not sure if you have checked my blog lately but I am also having a pity party and invited all who wanted to, to join me so WELCOME! We have been going the rounds with insurance too so I know how stressful that can be. I hope all works out.

Gary Church said...

Amber, it broke my heart when you told me the news this morning. I'm so sorry, and I can't say it enough!!! Please let me know if I can do anything for you!