I have good news and not so good news! The not so good news is that my daughter decided that she wanted to be just like Sister Hoquenson (can't spell). For those of you who don't know who Sister H. is she is a missionary in our ward who is a licensed beautician. It is not bad that my daughter wants to be like her, but it is bad that my daughter wants to be like the beautician. She cut her beautiful hair all by herself yesterday. I should be a proud mommy or NOT! She came in my room yesterday morning asking me if her hair looked pretty. Me being a little bit drowsy still told her her hair always looks pretty. Than I started looking at her and realized that she cut her hair. Her is the picture of her hair cut. You probably can't see it that well, but she pretty cut one side of her head pretty short. Luckily I can't part her hair down the middle and it is not very noticeable.

Now for the good news! CLAY FOUND A JOB!!! YEAH!! We are so happy and excited for this next adventure in our lives. He got a job with a military housing company. This will be a stable job I am sure, but it is requiring us to move from our beautiful home in the Dallas area! We have loved it here. We have such wonderful friends. We live in a great ward with a wonderful Bishop! There will be a lot that will be missed. We are going to San Angelo, Texas. From my understanding it is about 3-4 hours south west of here. There we will be in between my family and Clay's family. The bad part to this is that I cannot leave right now because of my finishing up school. I will be here with the girls during the week and Clay will be able to come home on most weekends. I know that it will be tough so don't be surprised if I am calling some of you to relieve me or at least talk me back into sanity! I will try and keep everyone updated. I am sure as it gets closer to graduation and getting everything ready to move that I will need some help so if you are interested in helping a friend I would love it! Just let me know!
You will love San Angelo. I spent a lot of time there in the area when I was growing up. My sister is now a nurse there. One of my dads has a ranch about 20 minutes south of San Angelo. Life is a lot more laid back there.
I am sorry that you are moving, but at least you are still kinda close.
I hear it is pretty there...we will miss you! Maris lived here in Dallas for 6 months while I was in Utah with the kids and he cam home every 2-4 weeks. It was a hard few months...you can do it! We will all help!
I've really only heard good things about San Angelo ... y'all need to go watch The Rookie to get excited!
And PLEASE call me if you need me to watch your girls or whatever! I doubt I'll be much help when it comes time to actually move though. lol.
So excited that Clay got the job, but totally bummed about you having to move! San Angelo will be a great place, real pretty, and lots of wide open spaces. Although, I think that you will need the abominable snowgirl coat even less there than in Dallas! Ha! Good Times!!
Yay! I am so glad for you guys! San Angelo is a great city to live in! Peter lived there for the first part of his life and his aunt and granddad have houses down there! Congratulations to you guys and I can't wait to see you again!
I am so happy for you. I know what a relief it is to finally have a steady job. I also know what it means to be a single parent. Golden has been gone for 3 weeks now. I have a hard time packing and moving when he is gone. But, This too shall pass!!
Congratulations to the both of you. Sounds like a tough trial ahead, but sounds like its worth it. But, heck bummer! By the time we get up there I´m pretty sure you´ll have already moved to be able to visit ya. But isn´t it great to be able to keep in touch through internet and modern technology?
We've been lucky to keep the scissors away from the grubby hands, so far. Glad the beautician didn't decide to do her whole head!
We're so sad to see you guys go, but we know what an exciting thing it is to start fresh. Things will go great. You'll be missed! Hollar if I can help at all with the move process, or anything in between!
So stinky that you have to go, but I am so excited for you guys! What a blessing for your family! :)
End of October will work for us!! Just keep us posted!
Good luck with the move! Stable jobs are a huge plus! It was good to hear from you and I will keep in touch!
i'm not too far down the road. feel free to come over anytime...i have chick flicks and popcorn!!
I am so sad you have to move, but very happy for the reason!
Thanks for the comment! How funny that we both have two girls, both graduate in December, and both live in Texas! Lots in common. Good luck with the new job, big move, and taking care of the girls by yourself while attending school. I'm living proof that the last one can be done.
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