Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday dear Elyse Bryanne,
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday dear Elyse Bryanne,
Happy Birthday to you!
On April 1st Elyse Bryanne had her 3rd Birthday!
We are so proud of the accomplishments Elyse has made this past year. She is talking so well now. In fact sometimes it is hard to get her to stop talking. She loves to play Princess and she has been saying that she is getting ready to go to the "Ball." This past year she has learned to count to 10. She recognizes her numbers as well. She knows her colors and some she even knows in Spanish. She is learning the sounds to the letters of the alphabet. She is still working on them, but is doing very well! A funny moment from this past year was just the other week. Elyse said that she was going to the ball and I asked her who was taking her. She said, "a prince." I then proceeded to ask her what her princes name was and she said, "Mommy, Daddy is my prince. I am going to marry daddy when I grow up." It was the cutest thing I had ever heard. I then told her that Mommy already married Daddy, but Daddy could be her prince until she found her own prince. She did the same thing to Clay yesterday. So Daddy had a talk with Elyse about getting married and the importance of marrying in the temple. When Clay came home and told me this my first thought was "Not this talk already. She's only three." I got to thinking of how important a temple marriage is and if we talk about it now she will have no questions of where she will be married in 20 years from now.
She is such a funny little girl!
I can't believe how big she is. She is not a little baby any more but growing up to be such a cute little girl!
Hahaha. Sounds like tons of fun. You should sing to her the song from Snow White, you know "Someday my Prince will come" Way to go Clay. Talk about the temple and everything about the gospel now. Parents have the biggest impact on their children in the first 6-8 years of life. Oh and keep teaching her spanish. I´ve found the spanish language quite useful in my life.
Found ya!! I still can't believe how big Elyse is getting. Soooooo CUTE!
Happy Birthday "baby Elyse"...we'll even call you that on your wedding day! You're such a cutie!
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