
Thursday, May 29, 2008

Happy Anniversary!

Today is our 4th anniversary. I thought that today would be a good time for me to write how Clay and I met. I haven't written this on paper. I know I am horrible! This should be in a journal somewhere. Oh well! I am mainly writing this for myself because then I can say that it is written down.
First I have to write a little about the previous years before we met because it connects to the story in a small way. When I was a junior in high school I was living in Idaho. My dad got a job in Dallas, Texas and so as a family we decided that we needed to move. We picked up and moved pretty fast. Actually it was a matter of a few weeks. Anyway, the whole time I was here I wanted to go back. I liked it, but felt that I didn't have very many friends. I was one of the few members of the church which had never happened to me up until this point. So I decided that I was going to go back to Rexburg to BYU-Idaho for college. I went for a year (actually a summer semester and a fall semester.) When I came home i was planning to back to school in Idaho. I had really been praying about what I should do and I felt that it was not right for me to return to school in Idaho. So I stayed here. It was hard finding friends again because most of the LDS friends that I had made were away to school at BYU or BYU-I. My mom suggested that I try going to institute. This was the BEST advice any mom can give to their young adult child. I really loved institute. It is a great program that the church has put in place! Clay and I met at institute. Clay is a convert and I met him at the first institute that he went to after he was baptized. I remember that our institute teacher had asked Clay to stand up and bear his testimony. Imagine a man who has just recently joined the church bearing his testimony. It was so strong. I remember being very touched by the testimony that he had gained. Although I was touched by his testimony I was also dating somebody else at the time so I didn't really think anything of it. A few weeks later he introduced himself to me. I was having a bad night (going through a breakup) and he came and said "Hi, my name is Clay." He intrigued me. I guess I still remembered the testimony that he gave and began talking to him. (Just an FYI our dance at our wedding was You Had Me From Hello by Kenny Chesney.) It seemed perfect for how we really met. We dated and soon became engaged. These past four years have had there ups and downs. While I love being married it was a hard adjustment for both of us. I would never tell anyone that marriage is just bliss. It has its blissful moments, but it also has its other not so blissful moments.
We have been through a lot. But I have gained a deeper meaning of love and appreciation through these 4 years. I look forward to many more years and know that it will only get better!!!


My name is Andrea said...

That is awesome, Amber! I enjoyed your comments in RS today, thanks for sharing! I sure love you guys and admire you both!

Bethanne said...

Happy Anniversary to you guys...and I love to hear these types of stories. I never knew...

Ashley said...

Hi Amber,
Happy Anniversary! I was actually wondering if I could get your email address so I could invite you to a layers clothing party that i'm hosting. If you could email it to me that would be great! My email is Thanks!

Jessica Adams said...

I read your post and totally am on the same ground as you! :) There is this picture of marriage being bliss and p.s. it's kinda not!:) It's funny to say that but it's true! It's not that you don't love your husband and kids, but it is all hard work! Hard work that is very rewarding, but hard! You are never going to completely get along with someone. I think there will always be disagreements and times when you think...did I make the right decision. But I do think that as you work through trials with your spouse that it brings you closer together for sure! I loved reading your post cuz I think too many people are afraid to say it! Thanks! :) This was kinda a long comment!:)

A said...

That is a very cute story!

CLAY and ERICA said...

Hi Amber I just came across you from other friends blogs. And I read through and this was a great blog about how you and Clay met. For that short time you guys were dating I was going to your institute, im sure you remember that. And we even played volleyball a few times. Man that seems like forever ago. I really like your story, I didnt know all that. I was more of an aquaintaince to you guys than a friend I guess. So its nice to find out how it went for you two. I also married a Clay. Awesome, hey. And we are in Canada (he's canadian) but are probably moving back to Mckinney TX by the end of next year- 2009. I am excited to continue reading your blogs and see whats going on. I cant believe you have 2 kids already. Thats way cool. Well say hi to Clay for me and see if he remembers. THat was when I hung out with Daniel Brown and I have no clue what happened with that kid. So you will have to check out my blog and let me know how things are. --Erica 'Truesdell' Derricott