With Summer coming to an end I thought I would pay some tribute to some of the things that we have done. I have 2 weeks before I am in the classroom doing my student teaching and have mixed emotions about going! I have had so much fun being home with my girls this summer, but at the same time I am looking forward to getting out of the house during the day and doing what I love! Teaching young minds!! I feel like I am not a good SAHM because I am not good at the homemaking things that go with the job. Yes I get my housework done and I make sure my kids are taken care of and that dinner is on the table (okay I might be going too far by saying dinner is on the table. There are some days that I don't even want to cook even though I have been home doing nothing.) I just don't feel like it is satifying to me. I know some of you might look down on me for saying this, but this is how I feel. I like that I chose a profession where I can have a few months out of the year to spend at home. I feel like I don't accomplish anything when I am home all the time. Sounds unusual and maybe selfish, but it is what it is. We have done some fun things this summer. We started off the summer doing well by going to library just about every Friday. We slacked off towards the end though. We LOVE story time over here. My Elyse loves to read. She is taking after her Mommy. Mady is getting where she loves to read to. Elyse got her first library card this summer and she was so excited. BTW we have the COOLEST Library here in Frisco, Texas! It beats any library I had while growing up.

Here is Elyse getting her Library card and checking out her books.

Tyler, Mady, and Elyse on the boats having fun playing with the bells. That was a hit for all of them!

Here we are with my sister Jenny, her son Tyler and Elyse and I on the Tilt - A- Whirl at the the Sandy Lake Amusement Park in Carrollton.

We have been spending summer evenings outside playing with our next door neighbor Alex. He is a good kid and Elyse loves going over there. This is them having some ice cream before saying Good Night.

The best part of the Summer was that my brother Scott came into town. He is the handsome Marine that I have previously mentioned and did not have a picture of a few months ago! He is awesome! We spent a lot of time with him when he came in town last month! We had a couple family dinners at the Minson house and then went bowling in the middle of the week at Main Event. We had a lot of fun! We had dinner one night at my house and played the Wii. It was fun! My dad and I had a boxing fight and he beat me. I think this was one of the best times I have spent with my family in a long time. My dad made the BEST blueberry cobbler ever! Scott leaves for Iraq on Wednesday. Please pray for the soldiers to do their jobs and to come home safely and in a timely manner! These guys are great for serving our country. We all are in debt to them for what they do to keep our country the way it is!
Sorry for this post being so long! I needed to catch everyone up with pictures and things from the Summer. Hopefully I will be able to keep up with blogging somewhat once school starts! Wish me luck!
Looks like ya'll had a blast! Good luck to your brother. Don't worry most marines only go for 7 months. I know that sounds trite but its nothing compared to 15 months! Anyway we'll pray for him! People always do for everyone around here! He will be fine. Good luck with your teaching!
I love your post. Of course I understand the desire to teach. You will just love it. Summer goes by so fast, but it is a time that your children will cherish with you.
Sounds like fun in the summer. Don´t worry about the whole staying at home bit. I think every woman goes through a stage in which they feel a lil useless staying at home. But, I think the point is that whether you are at home or not...you are making your house a home for your family...a refuge from the world outside. There´s always tons of stuff to do...its just a matter of thinking of it and doing it.
Sounds like you guys have had a blast...I hope you enjoy your student teaching! What school, grade, etc., will you be working with?
I hear you about the Marines. I grew up next to the largest infantry base in the country and so we have a GREAT appreciation for all units of the military!
trust me, no one's looking down on you for not being all mommy all the time. that's why i'm back in school, so the second my baby goes to school i can go to work.
No one looks down on you Amber, especially for being honest. We all feel that way at times. I sometimes feel like I am so much more attentive to other people's kids. I'm way too relaxed with my own. And I at times feel like I could make so much better use of my time than being home with the kiddos. I feel like a terrible home maker...really who enjoys cooking lavish dinners and cleaning the kitchen floors or toilets??!! Enjoy what's left of the summer.
Sounds like you had a great summer. I am so excited for you to start student teaching!
Hey Amber!!! Well, when are you free for another get together??? Hope you are doing great! We miss you guys and hope to see you soon.
You don't know me, but I happened upon your blog through my sister in law's. I am also originally from Pocatello, but moved away during high school. I hope it is okay that I comment on your blog!
I understand that feeling of not being a perfect stay at home mom. It is HARD WORK! It is no easy job to get everything done and to enjoy it the whole time either. I also had a baby during school and just graduated in April with my nursing degree from BYU when my little boy was 17 months old. It was hard to balance everything, but I felt that it was really important to finish school. So kudos to you for finishing school--it's not easy!
I also wanted to tell you that when I feel overwhelmed and feel that I am not such a great homemaker, I just remember that "the hand that rocks the cradle, is the hand that rules the world." You do accomplish GREAT things when you are home with your little ones even if it doesn't seem like it sometimes. I had a professor tell me once that the first five years of my children's lives would be the only years that were totally mine. It is when they are five that they go to school and the world has a great influence on them--but the first five years...they are YOURS! This also helps me feel that what I am doing at home with little ones really does matter.
Your girls are beautiful, and I am sure you are a wonderful mother. Never feel that being a mother is less than any other thing you can choose to do. You will teach and influence more in your home than anywhere else!
Good luck with student teaching and finishing school. Also good luck with your huband's job, it is not fun to have unknowns concerning the future! Somehow it will all come together! One thing I felt often while I was finishing school and couldn't do everything I wanted/needed to do, was that angels filled in for me when I was gone!
This comment is exteremely long, and I hope it is okay that I commented even though you don't know me!
-Cara Norris
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