I have been so horrible about attending the temple lately. Clay and I were talking about the last time that we went and that was back in October when my brother went through for the first time. I can't believe we have waited that long to go to the temple. Clay was able to get off work early. I don't mean a few minutes early. Almost a half a day early!!!! Surprising! That never happens. He spent a few hours doing something with his truck and then my mom came over at 4:30 and we were able to leave right after that. The session was at 7:30 so we had lots of time to spare and to spend time with each other. We went and had dinner at this Greek restaurant which I don't recommend. We laughed about it afterward because we thought it was going to be really good, but it was pretty much bar food. Not so good! Oh well! You live and learn! We then went to the bookstore near the temple. We only have one LDS bookstore in the Dallas area so it is a big deal when I am able to go. I always spend way more than I should. I really needed to go this time because I just got called as the Nursery Music person. Aughhhhhh! I don't know why singing with 3 year olds intimidates me, but it does. I also picked up the 3rd book in the Great and Terrible series. Which I totally recommend to anybody who likes to read! It is an awesome book. Finally we made it to the temple. I love going to the temple. Everytime I go I feel so much better and more ready to take on the world when I leave! I felt rejuvenated! I love the feeling of peace that it brings to be in the House of Lord, the most sacred place that we have on this earth. Anyway, we had a great night!
That is so awesome and I'm so glad that you got to go. With work and little kids it is always hard to make the trips to the temple, but so worth it, huh. And to have that time with our sweethearts!
Who writes the Great and Terrible series? I'd love to look it up!
I'm so glad you got to go. It's been way too long for us too. No excuses, especially since we live so close!
You will be great with your new calling! Don't worry!!!
Sounds like a great day! It has been way too long since we have been too. We are going this week and i'm so excited!
So I took your advice and went and bought book one in the Great and Terrible series. I have been looking for a good book and thought I'd trust you. If it is not good you owe me $20:)! I haven't started it yet but I'll let ya know if I love it as much as you!
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