
Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Time Out For Women 2011

I can't not post about Time Out For Women with my Mom! We always have such a fabulous time. We went to San Antonio that year. It was so nice to have some much needed one on one time with Mom. She is such a sweet example to me. I love her very much. I love that she has a testimony of the gospel despite the things that she has been dealt. I know that I will always cherish these special memories I have had with my mom!
I LOVE the way this man sings. His name is Dallyn Vail Bayles. He is a terrfic singer. If you enjoy Opera he does a magnificient job. I LOVE going to Time Out For Women when he is there singing. I actually bought 2 of CDs on that trip. By the way... I LOVE this picture with my mom and myself. I will cherish this forever!

Look who I found? This is my friend Heidi Hudson. She was in my ward at the time and we taught together at San Jacinto. She was Elyse's Kindergarten teacher. A fabulous teacher might I add.

I enjoy going to Time Out For Women for numerous reasons. The greatest being that I feel spiritually uplifted. It makes me want to be a better wife, a better Mommy, a better teacher, a better leader, etc, etc. It could go on FOREVER. It makes me FEEL GOOD! I am so thankful to a dear husband who allows me to take this time each year to spend a few days by myself being uplifted. 

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