May 2011 was a big month for our family. Not only did I go to TOFW and Elyse had her first dance recital, we also went to Dallas to go to Six Flags with my family and Elyse graduated from Kindergarten!
Six Flags
My Dad had a company party at Six Flags and we were able to go up. We spent the whole day at Six Flags. It was sooo BUSY! The kids had LOTS of FUN! We spent the day in the KIDS LAND since it was so busy. We got free food and drinks all day. It was very hot. Scott and Jessica were there with my nephew, Bradley. Jenny, Tyler, and Sean were there as well along with my Dad and Mom. It was a great day spent with family.
Pearce hanging out with Woody while his sisters are riding the rides!
We LOVE the Carousal. What a CUTE picture of Elyse Bryanne!
Pearce visiting with Sylvester the Cat!
Daddy and Pearce taking a minute to take a picture!
My GIRLS driving a truck! They had so much fun. Look at those cheesy SMILES!!!
The girls and Daddy on a ride!
Tyler and Elyse on the Tea Cups! They look like they are having a BLAST!!
SMILE Tyler! You are on CAMERA!! Elyse and Tyler getting ready to go on the swings!
San Jacinto Elementary Kindergarten Graduation May 2011
My baby girl graduated from Kindergarten. She had such a great year of learning and growth. Elyse was one of the only students in the whole kindergarten that was reading and AR testing. She is a very SMART and TALENTED little girl. She made many friends this year. Her closest friend was Clarissa. I LOVED working at the same school with her. I would often go into the lunch room to say hi to her. She would come up to my classroom after school and play on the computer while I finished work. In all honesty it was nice having her company. I loved knowing that she was right there with me. If she needed anything she knew that I was there as well. I think our relationship flourished during this year. At the beginning of the year she would fall asleep just about every day on our ride home from school. By October she was used to it and no longer falling asleep. I was so HAPPY that I could attend her Kindergarten graduation. I think I had some sort of workshop that morning so I had the day off. I left the workshop early to go to graduation. This allowed me to take Elyse out of school early to spend some time with her. Daddy came and watched her graduate as well. It was a BEAUTIFUL day!!!

Elyse getting ready to GRADUATE! I honestly can't wait to see her when she graduates from High School. It will be fun to compare this picture to 10 years from now.
Shaking hands with Ms. McGann the Principal. In Elyse's words. "The BEST principal EVER!!!" I have to agree with Ms. Elyse. Ms. McGann was definitely the best principal that I have taught under thus far.
Elyse with Daddy right after graduation! Congrats Elyse!!!
Mommy and Elyse taking pictures after Kinder Graduation. I LOVE this little girl. She can't possibly old enough to go to 1st Grade!
Mommy and Daddy taking pictures with our Sweet Elyse. It was such a great day! I will miss those days. Some of the sweetest days of my life!