This week has sure been a busy week. The girls and I were in Mckinney late last week visiting my Mom and Dad. We had such a good time. I realized that I miss living in the city, but do not miss the traffic and how long it takes to get anywhere! Last Friday my mom and I took the girls and their cousin Tyler to a bounce house. We had so much fun! Even my mom and I went on the slides! I would show you a picture of my mom going down, but I know that she would be mortified!

Madson loved the bounce slides! She climbed up the tallest one all by herself. It took a little coaxing from us to get her to come down. We had so much fun and the kids to a GREAT nap when we got back to the house!

Sorry for the picture being sideways. This week was my turn to teach Joy School. I felt so busy all week because I spent a lot of time preparing and getting ready. On Tuesday we had a field trip to go on a nature walk. We took the kids to the park and walked around and then had parents come and meet us for lunch. They all seemed to really have a lot of fun! On Thursday was our Valentine party. In advance I had the kids make handprints on some paper. We put together this Valentine for their Moms and Dads.

We wrapped it and they had something for their parents to open. The only problem was I let them write their names on it and some of them pushed down a little too hard (like my daughter) and their names went through to their paper. Oh well, you live and learn. The kids also had a great time passing out their Valentines to their preschool friends. It was so fun! I actually had an enjoyable time having it at my house. I have been thinking about teaching preschool, but will probably wait until Madyson is ready to start. We will be in a different area and hopefully will be there a little longer.

And then of course... Happy Valentine's Day! Clay brought this home for me two days ago! It is so gorgeous! I had a smile on my face all day on Friday! I am glad that he gave them to me early! Tonight we are doing our traditional night in. He is currently making our favorite dinner of Fettuccine Alfredo with Shrimp. We put the girls to bed early and eat a somewhat late dinner. It is something that we have done since we have been married because when we were first married we didn't have time to go out to eat and then a year later we didn't have a babysitter. So it is a tradition that I think we both enjoy!
Oh yeah... I took on a babysitting job. I pick up some kids from school and take them to my house for two hours until their dad comes to get them. For a hundred dollars a week it actually is quite good. The girls LOVE it! And I do too because I am not having to entertain my little ones!
What fun! My kids love the big slides...finally! I love the craft for your Joy school. Impressive. And big kuddos to Clay for the flowers. Beautiful!
Wow. Sounds like you have had some good things come your way lately. You must be doing a few things right, eh?! Love to hear all the great news. FUN!
Hey Amber thanks for your comment! I am so glad you love and enjoy scentsy! If you really do want to host a party and earn the hostess rewards we can still do it. You can do an e-mail party. If you are interested let me know. Like I said in my post this month is a great month to have a party because of the extra discount your friends and families receive!
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