
Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Sooo... Embarrassed

I am so embarrassed. Since it was such a gorgeous day outside I decided to take the girls to the park. Our ward has play group on Wednesday mornings at the park when it is nice. So we get there and Elyse has found some of her friends from Church and is playing with them. Mady was following her around so I thought it was nice that I had some time to chat with the other ladies. As we are talking I glance over at the sand where they are playing a few time and notice that they are playing really well together, including Mady as well!!! That is a plus! The next time I turned around I saw Elyse with her pants around her ankles peeing on the sand! I could not believe what I was seeing. I started running and telling her NO!!!! Looking back I shouldn't have drawn attention to it than nobody else would have seen. I was so mad! Not at Elyse, but at Clay for teaching her to do that. I will admit that the one time he let her do it it was an EMERGENCY! She peed all over her pants so needless to say our trip to the park was short lived. Aughhhh!!! I called Clay as we were leaving and told him that he needed to have a talk with her. Poor guy heard it from me. I still can't believe that she did that! She really does know better. I told her that she should have come to me to tell me she needed to go potty. There were port-a-potties not even 20 feet away. I guess she didn't want to go in there. Who can blame her I guess? But peeing in public! She usually just asks if she can go in the grass and we tell her no, but I have never had her just drop her drawers and go. Anyway... sorry for the venting. If any of you have some embarrassing story about your kids that will help me feel better I would love to hear them!


Eric and Amy said...

Ahhhh, don't fret. I guarantee every mother can relate. And if there were any snickers in the crowd, it's because they've SO been there before! :) I'll admit, my kids haven't peed in public...yet. Austin's not potty trained yet, and we finally got Hannah used to the idea of peeing in the grass at a campout. But that was a challenge. Glad Elyse is so free with her body ;).

Melissa Fisher said...

Ahhh...don't you love kids??? Well whenever Brooklyn sees someone older than like forty, she will say really loud, is that grandpa? or is that grandma? Or when she smells something kinda wierd at the grocery store or something she yells,'mamma? You farted! Ya i want to die.

Janie said...

Maiya peed the whole way down the twisty slide inside a mcdonalds on our last road trip. We cleared the place out. All the parents took their kids out after that.
don't fret

Chrystalee said...

TOO Funny!!!! The men in our lives are a real challenge at times! : )

Anna said...

I am so with you...))) Alex got that habit and once he tried to pee just upfront Tom and Mary's house....good we saw him by their house with pants down....
Well, there were couple times when he pointed on a person and said "he/she is big"..(((