
Thursday, March 5, 2009

Last weekend...trip to the mall

I know you are all anxiously waiting at the edge of your seats to see what I was going to write about while we were at the mall last week. Okay maybe not! I went to take a picture of what we did, but I did not have my sim card in the camera. So I am going to have to retake Elyse's picture. But to update you all in the meantime. Elyse got her ears pierced while we were in Abilene last week. I know... I just did it. Clay and I had been talking about it a few weeks prior and so I thought then would be a good time. Don't ask! I sometimes just do things before I totally think over it. Elyse did very well ,she did not cry and after it was over she said, "It did not hurt at all." She is a brave little girl! She looks absolutely adorable and I am glad that we did it. Pictures to come soon!


Jessica Adams said...

Lucky You! Gracie screamed her freakin head off! :)

Anonymous said...

That's awesome! And good for her for being so brave!