
Sunday, April 19, 2009

No more stitches

We finally got the stitches out on Thursday! Here is Elyse with the stitches gone! It still doesn't look great, but it definitely looks MUCH BETTER! She is still a beautiful little girl boo boo and all!


Just Us said...

Wow...I am glad everyone is okay!! I know what you are saying about the Temple. Eric and I finally had the chance to go together (it's been awhile) and it really does change your perspective! Anyways, I hope you have read my blog because I have all the info on there for the swap...and it's coming up quick! Let me know if you have any questions, and call and I will give you my address: 208-241-3979.

Just Us said...

I think that would be plenty to send. Whatever I don't use this time I will use to credit you next time :0). Will you be able to get it to me by May 1st?