Elyse celebrated her 4th birthday with a "Tea" party with some friends. Unfortunately I scheduled the party right smack during conference. I didn't realize I did this until I had already printed the cards. So I just decided to leave it alone. I was really nervous about people coming, but it worked out. We didn't have too many kids and honestly that was perfect!

***I made Purse invitations for each of the girls. It was fun to do with my scrapbook paper that I hardly ever use.

***We decorated Tiaras, purses, and made necklaces. The girls really seemed to have fun doing this.

*** I read a story called
The Teacup that Talked. The kids absolutely LOVED it! It had such a neat message. In the story the teacup tells a grandpa and grandma, who are looking for a perfect gift for their granddaughter, about how it wasn't always a beautiful teacup. I found a really beautiful teacup at an antique store and gave that to Elyse when I was finished with the story. She was able to drink out of her teacup when it was time for lunch and "tea" (lemonade)!

*** I was a little CRAZY and let them use my china tea cups. They felt like such big girls drinking lemonade from the tea cups. Luckily, not a single cup was broken. Thank goodness! I was a little nervous a few times.

Elyse's Favorite part of her birthday
Elyse had a lot of special moments this birthday. She loved having her friends come. Thank you for coming... Karleigh, Gracie, Claire, and Anna! You made Elyse's birthday so special. But the best part to her birthday party was that her Grandpa and Grandma Minson and Uncle Scott came from McKinney and surprised her! She was so happy. They drove in the night before. She had no idea they were there until she woke up and someone was in her bathroom. When Grandpa opened the door all she could say was, "GRANDPA!!!" I think that made the entire trip worth it to my Dad and Mom! We had such a nice time with them! We even got to spend some extra time with Grandma because she stayed a few extras days and then flew home! This will be a birthday that she will always rememeber... I think.
What an ADORABLE party! I love it! The invitations are so creative. And the tea party motif...she's such a girl! Love it!
Looks like it was such a cute party! I can't believe Elyse is that old. Loved the tea cups - you are brave to let the girls use yours. I'm impressed!!
Very, very cute. Love the invite purses. How cute are those?!
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