I cannot believe that my youngest is already 2! How fast time flies. She is such an adorable 2 year old with her super blond hair and bright blue eyes! She brings so much happiness into my life with her happy go lucky attitude. She really is a happy little girl. She always has a smile on her face. She loves following her big sister around doing big girl things. Madyson loves to read and can be caught talking out loud while turning the pages. I have no idea what she is saying, but she does! In fact, today during nap time she probably read out loud for about 30 minutes before finally giving in to take her nap! Like Mother like daughters!

What Madyson has been learning this year:
*animals and their sounds (dog, cat, cow, duck, sheep, bird)* we have started working on colors
* Says "please" and "thank you" at the appropriate time! I love this one! It makes my heart melt.
* to talk on the phone! She loves talking on the phone...my little social butterfly!
* can eat with a fork and a spoon. Still using a sippy cup though. For my sake!
* puts away her own toys. And sings the "clean up song" while she does it. It sounds more like "peen up peen up" It's really cute!
* Learned to play with Elyse
Madyson... you bring a special spirit of happiness into our home. Heavenly Father knew that I needed a little girl that had a smile on her face all of the time! I am so proud to be your mommy and look forward to many more birthdays!
*** I can't believe I am all out of babies! :( Time really does go by really fast! Too fast. I need to spend more time cherishing the special moments that I have with my beautiful daughters!
Happy Birthday my sweet Angel!
Guess it's time for another. : )
Awww, I miss her! Give her a hug and tell her Happy Birthday from me!
I love Baskin Robbins, too!!
Happy 2nd Birthday Mady!
I really enjoyed this blog. She is so adorable. And she is reading books. It does remind me of you. You are doing a much better job keeping a good record. Happy Birthday Madyson. Grandma and Grandma Minson love you very much.
I can't believe she's already 2! Time flies for sure!
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