Our Precious baby girl!
I thought that I would show a picture of Mady when she was born. She just turned a year last Saturday the 19th of April. We had a small family party. It was nice to have family to come and celebrate with us. We are sad that some of our family were unable to make it. Mady is a pure delight to our family. She is the happiest baby! She went through a time where she screamed a lot! Now she really doesn't scream anymore she talks! She has the cutest baby babble. Mady took her first step about 2 weeks ago! She is stumbling along now. I am sure it is only a matter of weeks before she will really be walking! My favorite moment of this past year was that Mady said "Mama" for her first word! I was excited! Elyse said "Dada" first so I thought it was great that Mady said Mama. She just learned to say "dog." Sylvia Holegate has been watching Mady during the day. Sylvia does a wonderful job with her! They have dogs in the backyard and she said Mady likes to watch them through the window. She now also says "woof." I am going to have to give Sylvia or the dogs credit for that one. We love Madyson. She brings a special spirit of happiness into our home!