Da Ta Da da.... Rosie and Jessica! Congratulations guys! I just need you to email me with 9 pictures and tell me if you want them on photo paper or regular paper. Remember the regular paper causes it to smear,but it still looks way cute! Also Liz and Crystalee I need your 9 pictures as well so I can work on yours, too. The sooner the better we are still moving sometime between now and September and I would like that project off my plate before we move!!! Again my email is amber0684@yahoo.com.
Okay now for California pictures and stories!!! I am so excited to write all this down. It has been well over a week and I totally miss it! I would move there in a heart beat! Cross my fingers that some time with Clay's job we will make our way there!

Day 1 (Mon June 20)
The girls and I packed the car and headed to El Paso after I went to my successful Weight Watchers meeting. (Yeah for the success because I probably would have been more cautious on what I ate while on the trip.) We left San Angelo around 10 and drove 6 hours to El Paso where we visited Grandpa and Grandma Hooten for 1 1/2 days. We drove in and were greeted by Ashlynn (Elyse and Madyson's cousin!) We played in the pool all afternoon. And then Aunt Cari and Uncle Marshall joined us for dinner at the house after dinner. Our stay in El Paso was fun. The girls had a great time with their cousins Ashlynn and Bryson. I am so glad my girls have a girl cousin their age. It is sad that all the girl cousins their age live far away from us!
Elyse, Ashlynn, Madyson, and Bryson
The Hooten Clan!!!

Elyse, Ashlynn, Madyson, and Bryson
The Hooten Clan!!!
Day 2 (Tuesday June 21)
The girls spent the day with Grandma while I went to the dentist, got the oil changed in the car, and bought a new phone. I wasn't happy about buying a new phone (neither was Clay) my phone has been acting funny for the past few months. Thanks to user stupidness but that is neither here nor there. I got a new phone and I actually like it better than my other one so hopefully I will have this one for the next few years. Clay would say FOREVER! It was a relaxed day. Elyse and Mady got to play with Ashlynn again. (Grandma watches them during the day.) We went to bed early to get up and make our 10 hour trek to California.
Day 3 (Wednesday June 22)
We left El Paso around 7 am. I realized earlier that this was WAY TOO LATE in the day to leave because of how hot it got in the desert! I had the sun directly on me for most of the trip. My legs and chest were sunburned after that! We stopped in Tuscon and ate lunch. We also stopped at a rest stop (not sure where), but they had AWESOME rock mountains. I had to take some pictures and some of the girls! (Top picture on blog)

10 hours later and we made it to our hotel in La Mesa, California just 20 minutes outside of San Diego in the mountains. We stepped out of the car at 4 pm Pacific Coast time and LOVED that it wa only 72 degrees outside! Now that is my kind of weather!!! We took a wrong turn when we were headed to the hotel and found a Dominoes was having a sale for $3.99 Medium pizzas. I was in LOVE right from the start. Who can get a $4 pizza in Texas?!?! We unloaded our stuff and then drove back to Dominoes to pick up a pizza. When we got back to the hotel. The girls and I had a "GIRLS NIGHT!!!" It was so much fun! I am sure that was the first of many more to come! I knew I LOVED having girls! We jumped on the beds! I know... a no no at our house, but Hey we weren't at home! ;) We then ATE pizza on the bed! AGAIN something we don't do at home! I think that is what made it special for us! I will remember that night for years to come! I had so much fun with my precious girls! We went to bed early Pacific Time not so early for our Texas time!
Day 4 (Thursday June 23)

The girls woke up SUPER EARLY! 5 am! It was partly my fault because I was awake and I turned on the light to read to try and go back to sleep. MISTAKE on my part! They were up for the rest of the day...well until nap time. I turned on a show and then tried to go back to sleep! After we got dressed for the day we called my new Sister-in-Law Jessica and made our way over to her house! We visited for a while and I got to hold my new nephew Bradley. I wish I had taken pictures of me holding him! He is ADORABLE Scott and Jessica!!! I did get a picture of Elyse holding him with my phone. It is not very good. Oh well. I am going to see if Jessica took a better one. Jessica was so fun to get to know! She has such a sweet heart! I am so glad that she is part of our family!!!
After we visited for a while we got our things together and all went up to Camp Pennelton to see my brother while he was "Working." In quotes because I don't think that we was really working. HA HA! We went and bought our discounted Military Disneyland tickets! Thanks again Scott! It was great not having to pay full price even if the discount wasn't great!!! We then went and had lunch. After lunch I went and took Jessica back to her house and the girls and I headed to San Diego to
Elyse's first small taste of the ocean. A much bigger taste came a few days later!!!

Elyse's first small taste of the ocean. A much bigger taste came a few days later!!!

Elyse practicing her gymnastics on this brick wall. She was sooo cute to watch! I love this photo with all the boats in the background!

We picked up Clay and started driving to Anaheim!!! Yeah for this next part! We surprised our girls (well mostly Elyse) with a trip to DISNEYLAND while we were there! She didn't have any idea until Clay told her at dinner once we arrived in Anaheim. She was so excited. She started dancing and yelling, "I'm going to Disneyland!" It was so CUTE!
After dinner we made our way to the hotel and settled in for the night. The hotel that we chose was called the Carosoul Inn and Suites right across the street from Disneyland. It was perfect! I will definately do that again the next time we go.
Just as a side note...this was also the day that we heard Micheal Jackson had died. My mom texted me. I was saddened by this information. I really thought he was a great performer no matter what his personal life was like! He will live on in his music that is for sure. It was interesting to read in my baby book that when I was born he was the most popular musician. But i guess he pretty much ruled the 80s!!!
Day 5 ( Friday June 25) DISNEYLAND!
This should be a post all in itself. In fact I think I am going to do that. I have already been on the computer FOREVER! I am going to take a break and make my next post just on Disneyland! Stay tuned! Hopefully I will be able to get that up sometime tonight!
1 comment:
What a wonderful trip! So glad you guys got to go. And that Disney trip looks amazing. Hannah's been begging to go. We'll definitely have to venture that way one of these days!
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