Really? I can't believe that I have hit 100 blogs. I am actually really proud of myself. Since this is basically my journal because a journal for me is nonexistent. Some day I will print my posts off and make a book.
We took the kids this weekend to see UP! What a way cute movie! We saw it in 3D. I am going to have to say that this is the way to go if your child will keep the glasses on. Elyse did really well with the glasses. Mady not so much. At least Mady pretty much stayed in here chair. We didn't have to take her out once! HALLELUJAH! I guess we can see movies a little more often now! After the movie we went to Sam's and got the kids a small big pool. A small pool meaning it just blows up, but it is fairly big. I can fit in it. So that is great. We are going to blow it up today and do some swimming this afternoon! It has been EXTREMELY HOT here this past week. We were at 106 on Saturday. Not sure what the temp got to yesterday. We stayed inside besides going to church in the morning.
Okay now for the drum roll please............
I am introducing my Father's Day gift and my 100th Blog GIVEAWAY. Yes you heard correctly! It doesn't necessarily have to be for Father's Day. In fact I don't think I can get it done in time for Father's day. I am leaving for Girls Camp on Wednesday and then going to California pretty much the day after I get home. So... On July 1st Elyse will draw 2 names for whoever wins this Cool Photo Cube! If you win I will announce your name sometime after that. I will need you to email me pictures for it though. You decide if you want the pictures printed on photo paper or regular paper. The photo paper makes it so it doesn't smear. I did mine on regular paper. The ink smeared a little, but I liked the look. It gives it an older look. You get to decide. This is also what I am doing for my Pay it Forward Homemade item. So if you were lucky enough to respond... Liz and Crystalee you will also need to email me pictures. I need 9 to be exact. One for each of the sides and one for the top part of the cube. I am really excited about this! Here is the email address to send me pictures. If you win I will remind you again. amber0684@yahoo.com
By the way this project was not my idea i got it from the following website...I feel I need to give this person credit because it is a GREAT idea. Check it out and you can make some too!
Oooooohhhh, those are adorable! Count me in!
that's so cute! i want one. put my name in (twice?)
Awesome job Amber! Those are beautiful :) You must send me that picture of your nephew. It is so adorable! Love hearing about your trips. Peter and I have been to New Braunfels and had so much fun! Haven't stayed at any bed and breakfast yet. You'll have to tell us where you stayed! Hope everything is going great. Miss u!
So cute!!! They turned out great!
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