This past week I had the opportunity to go to Girls Camp with our Stake. It was a GREAT experience. I went up as the craft lady. I had so much fun! They had some really neat crafts that they did. I really LOVED getting to know the girls in our ward. It was a neat experience going as a leader. I had a lot of time to observe because the craft was my only responsibility. These girls are so beautiful! I found love for each of them and I didn't even know them. I wish I could serve the youth of the church. Maybe that is why I loved it so much because I don't get the opportunity to associate with them very often.
We found out yesterday where we are going to be moving....BOSTON! I am stoked! I have NEVER been back east. I am really looking forward to it. I know the winters are going to be cold, but I grew up in cold winters. I must say I have been spoiled the past 8 years that I have lived in Texas. I am going to miss Texas. It is my home. I have been praying that the Lord would send us where he needed us to be. I am sure this is where we are supposed to be for the next two years.
I leave on Monday for California. I am really excited. I get to go see my nephew and my new sister in law! And of course my brother. We are going to Disneyland next Friday. I can't wait to take my girls! I promise there will be pictures to come!
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Monday, June 15, 2009
100th Blog!!!! and a giveaway?

Really? I can't believe that I have hit 100 blogs. I am actually really proud of myself. Since this is basically my journal because a journal for me is nonexistent. Some day I will print my posts off and make a book.
We took the kids this weekend to see UP! What a way cute movie! We saw it in 3D. I am going to have to say that this is the way to go if your child will keep the glasses on. Elyse did really well with the glasses. Mady not so much. At least Mady pretty much stayed in here chair. We didn't have to take her out once! HALLELUJAH! I guess we can see movies a little more often now! After the movie we went to Sam's and got the kids a small big pool. A small pool meaning it just blows up, but it is fairly big. I can fit in it. So that is great. We are going to blow it up today and do some swimming this afternoon! It has been EXTREMELY HOT here this past week. We were at 106 on Saturday. Not sure what the temp got to yesterday. We stayed inside besides going to church in the morning.
Okay now for the drum roll please............
I am introducing my Father's Day gift and my 100th Blog GIVEAWAY. Yes you heard correctly! It doesn't necessarily have to be for Father's Day. In fact I don't think I can get it done in time for Father's day. I am leaving for Girls Camp on Wednesday and then going to California pretty much the day after I get home. So... On July 1st Elyse will draw 2 names for whoever wins this Cool Photo Cube! If you win I will announce your name sometime after that. I will need you to email me pictures for it though. You decide if you want the pictures printed on photo paper or regular paper. The photo paper makes it so it doesn't smear. I did mine on regular paper. The ink smeared a little, but I liked the look. It gives it an older look. You get to decide. This is also what I am doing for my Pay it Forward Homemade item. So if you were lucky enough to respond... Liz and Crystalee you will also need to email me pictures. I need 9 to be exact. One for each of the sides and one for the top part of the cube. I am really excited about this! Here is the email address to send me pictures. If you win I will remind you again.
By the way this project was not my idea i got it from the following website...I feel I need to give this person credit because it is a GREAT idea. Check it out and you can make some too!
Thursday, June 11, 2009
The past few weeks...
I still can't find my SD card. Elyse admitted to it yesterday. I couldn't tell if she is just taking the blame or if she really took it. I do need to write about what we did the past few weeks though. A few weeks ago we took the kids to Colorado. We had such a nice time! The weather was nice and cool. It rained, but usually it would start when we were finishing up whatever we were doing. We were not hindered in the least with our activities!!!
The first day was awful! I got soooo sick. I swear it was the flu. Clay didn't think so, but I had all the symptoms of the flu. It lasted a good 24 hours. I layed in bed all day the first day. So we didn't really do anything. It rained the whole day so it wasn't a big deal. The second day we went to Garden of the Gods near Colorado Springs. It was absolutely beautiful. We packed a picnic lunch and then went for a hike. Dang! I wish i had my pictures. Oh well. After that we took the girls up to the North Pole ( a Christmas themed amusement park.) It was fun. Definately for little ones. Elyse got to go talk with Santa. She was excited about doing that. She asked for a real piano. Which Santa seemed to grant this to us a few months early!!! Yes we finally got our piano! I am so excited as was Elyse. Thanks to Clay's cousin Mike for giving his to us!
Saturday we went to Boulder to a Festival they had going on there. That was a pretty neat little town! We had fun just walking around.
On Sunday we went and walked on the grounds of the Denver Temple. I was so happy that the gates were open. We have been to the Dallas Temple when the temple was closed and the gates have been closed. There was quite a few people doing the same thing we were doing that day. I guess it made up for NOT going to church? We took some lovely photos. (which again I don't have). It was actually the prettiest day of all the days that morning. We also were bad and broke the Sabbath by taking the girls to the Denver Children's Museum. I least we were spending time as a family. That was pretty neat. I wish that we had a children't museum here. I would definitely get season passes if we did. What a great place to take the kids when you want them to go play and explore!
Monday was Memorial Day. We drove to Fort Collins and went and drove around Colorado State University (Clay's Alma mater). It was actually a really nice campus. We headed back after that so we could get the Uhaul to load the piano. That piano was a bugger to load since there were only 2 guys and me. Thank goodness unloading it wasn't so bad. I didn't have to touch the piano! The missionaries and a few other people from the church came over and helped! I love our church for that aspect! (well many more aspects, but this is definitely a perk to being a member!) We have built in movers pretty much wherever we go!
We headed back home really early on Tuesday. We stopped in Dallas to drop the girls off with Grandma and Grandpa Minson. They stayed with them for a week. So I was childless for a week! It was wonderful!
Our anniversary HAPPENED to fall during this week so Clay and i took a much needed getaway to New Braunfels (just outside of San Antonio). We stayed at a Bed and Breakfast! The breakfast was sooo yummy. Definitely not weight watchers friendly! Oh well. We went to Schlitterbahn. We had a blast. We never made it to the temple because I completely forgot our temple clothes at home. I got side tracked with other things. I think that is how Satan gets us. I was side tracked with things that were important but I should have put those things off until I had packed our clothes. Oh well. It was nice being able to sleep in on Saturday. We went and had a couples massage on Saturday. It was awesome. Although Clay picked the girl over the big dude. I told him he was crazy. Afterward he said that he should have taken the big guy! Told you so! On Sunday we went and visited Clay's Ama and Papa who happened to be at there timeshare there at the same time. It was a nice visit. We had lunch with them and then we were off!
The past few weeks have been great. I am having a hard time being a stay at home mom. Especially when a lot of friends from college are geting jobs for this school year. I guess I want to work because I am fresh out of college and want to get some use in. I know someday I will just not now. For now I need to be content that I am blessed to be at home with my girls. Even though it is the HARDEST JOB ever! I feel like everywhere I turn there is a mess somewhere. It is very frustrating. Then it is frustrating when I lose things because my children have taken them. Anyway, my goal is to be more patient this week.
The next few weeks are going to be just as busy as the past few. I am going to girls camp next week as the Stake Craft person! I am really looking forward to go. Hopefully I will have some personal time where I can reflect and ponder my life without interruption of kids. I miss going to girls camp when I had those spiritual experiences as a youth. We are also going to California when I get back. The girls and I are driving to El Paso and staying there for a couple of days and then off we go to California to visit my brother and his new wife and baby! I am really excited. Did I mention we are also taking the girls to Disneyland. SHHHHH....they don't know. It is a surprise. At least until we get to our hotel which is just across the street. Apparently you eat breakfast in a room full of huge glass windows that gives a gorgeous view of Sleeping Beauty's Castle! I can't wait!
Oh yeah...we also have a CONTRACT on the house! It will hopefully close in the next few weeks! Thank goodness! We also got some insider news that we may be moving to Little Rock, Arkansas. Not as bad as I thought! It will be sometime in the next few months. So I will be packing yet again when we get back from Cali!
The first day was awful! I got soooo sick. I swear it was the flu. Clay didn't think so, but I had all the symptoms of the flu. It lasted a good 24 hours. I layed in bed all day the first day. So we didn't really do anything. It rained the whole day so it wasn't a big deal. The second day we went to Garden of the Gods near Colorado Springs. It was absolutely beautiful. We packed a picnic lunch and then went for a hike. Dang! I wish i had my pictures. Oh well. After that we took the girls up to the North Pole ( a Christmas themed amusement park.) It was fun. Definately for little ones. Elyse got to go talk with Santa. She was excited about doing that. She asked for a real piano. Which Santa seemed to grant this to us a few months early!!! Yes we finally got our piano! I am so excited as was Elyse. Thanks to Clay's cousin Mike for giving his to us!
Saturday we went to Boulder to a Festival they had going on there. That was a pretty neat little town! We had fun just walking around.
On Sunday we went and walked on the grounds of the Denver Temple. I was so happy that the gates were open. We have been to the Dallas Temple when the temple was closed and the gates have been closed. There was quite a few people doing the same thing we were doing that day. I guess it made up for NOT going to church? We took some lovely photos. (which again I don't have). It was actually the prettiest day of all the days that morning. We also were bad and broke the Sabbath by taking the girls to the Denver Children's Museum. I least we were spending time as a family. That was pretty neat. I wish that we had a children't museum here. I would definitely get season passes if we did. What a great place to take the kids when you want them to go play and explore!
Monday was Memorial Day. We drove to Fort Collins and went and drove around Colorado State University (Clay's Alma mater). It was actually a really nice campus. We headed back after that so we could get the Uhaul to load the piano. That piano was a bugger to load since there were only 2 guys and me. Thank goodness unloading it wasn't so bad. I didn't have to touch the piano! The missionaries and a few other people from the church came over and helped! I love our church for that aspect! (well many more aspects, but this is definitely a perk to being a member!) We have built in movers pretty much wherever we go!
We headed back home really early on Tuesday. We stopped in Dallas to drop the girls off with Grandma and Grandpa Minson. They stayed with them for a week. So I was childless for a week! It was wonderful!
Our anniversary HAPPENED to fall during this week so Clay and i took a much needed getaway to New Braunfels (just outside of San Antonio). We stayed at a Bed and Breakfast! The breakfast was sooo yummy. Definitely not weight watchers friendly! Oh well. We went to Schlitterbahn. We had a blast. We never made it to the temple because I completely forgot our temple clothes at home. I got side tracked with other things. I think that is how Satan gets us. I was side tracked with things that were important but I should have put those things off until I had packed our clothes. Oh well. It was nice being able to sleep in on Saturday. We went and had a couples massage on Saturday. It was awesome. Although Clay picked the girl over the big dude. I told him he was crazy. Afterward he said that he should have taken the big guy! Told you so! On Sunday we went and visited Clay's Ama and Papa who happened to be at there timeshare there at the same time. It was a nice visit. We had lunch with them and then we were off!
The past few weeks have been great. I am having a hard time being a stay at home mom. Especially when a lot of friends from college are geting jobs for this school year. I guess I want to work because I am fresh out of college and want to get some use in. I know someday I will just not now. For now I need to be content that I am blessed to be at home with my girls. Even though it is the HARDEST JOB ever! I feel like everywhere I turn there is a mess somewhere. It is very frustrating. Then it is frustrating when I lose things because my children have taken them. Anyway, my goal is to be more patient this week.
The next few weeks are going to be just as busy as the past few. I am going to girls camp next week as the Stake Craft person! I am really looking forward to go. Hopefully I will have some personal time where I can reflect and ponder my life without interruption of kids. I miss going to girls camp when I had those spiritual experiences as a youth. We are also going to California when I get back. The girls and I are driving to El Paso and staying there for a couple of days and then off we go to California to visit my brother and his new wife and baby! I am really excited. Did I mention we are also taking the girls to Disneyland. SHHHHH....they don't know. It is a surprise. At least until we get to our hotel which is just across the street. Apparently you eat breakfast in a room full of huge glass windows that gives a gorgeous view of Sleeping Beauty's Castle! I can't wait!
Oh yeah...we also have a CONTRACT on the house! It will hopefully close in the next few weeks! Thank goodness! We also got some insider news that we may be moving to Little Rock, Arkansas. Not as bad as I thought! It will be sometime in the next few months. So I will be packing yet again when we get back from Cali!
Sunday, June 7, 2009
I am having problems has with my computer. There is no space left on the C drive for me to upload any more pictures. I think our computers days are numbered. Anyway...I am going to work some more on it tomorrow! If not I need to write down what we have been doing the past few weeks and will have to add the pictures later! Hope everyone is having a wonderful beginning of summer!
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