It has been WAY TOO LONG since I blogged last. I have been a slacker this summer. I guess I haven't felt like writing. No excuse! Here I am ready to go. This post would be way to long if I posted about everything so I guess I will do the highlights from the past 6 weeks or so.
We sold our house on July 23. Thank goodness! We were lucky that our neighbor across the street (who was renting) wanted to buy about the time that we were selling. It worked out so well I know that Heavenly Father was watching out for us! We LOVE San Angelo though! Our ward is great. We have made some good friends here and it will be sad to leave when we do. Good thing for technology!
The girls took swim lessons at the YMCA for two weeks. Unfortunately the last two times it was raining with thunder and lightning so they missed the last two days. They are both learning so well in the water! I was impressed with what they could by the end.
We spent a week in Dallas with my mom and dad. We had a great time there! The girls had so much fun playing with their cousin Tyler.
We are going to Dallas again this weekend. We scored some tickets for the BYU vs. OU game at the new Cowboys stadium. Thanks Grandma Hooten! Oh and thanks in advance Mom and Dad for watching the girls so we can go! Hopefully I will be able to post about that. My goal is to try and post a few days a week. If not once a week. I have been staying busy.
I took a little job babysitting a friends' kids while she is in school. It is only for two weeks. This is my last week. Her school started before the kids preschool started. They have been having fun with the girls. Our kids are the same age and get along pretty well. I know this post is pretty random, but at least I am writing stuff down.
1 comment:
What a very exciting summer! Sounds like yall had a blast! Looks like your family is doing well. My how time flies. Congrats on selling your house...that always helps.
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