Finally a free moment to blog! This week has been so busy. I know that I keep saying this, but that is my life right now. I had a better week with my classes at school! These are the things that I have realized these past few weeks...
1.) Being a teacher is hard work.
2.) I love teaching middle school! Call me crazy but it is awesome!
3.) I especially love teaching 8th graders math.
4.) I love teaching the struggling learners. It is fun seeing their successes.
5.) Math is the greatest subject!
6.) I love the technology that we are able to use today. It is so much different than when I was in middle school or high school. It is great!
7.) I don't mind being observed by other teachers. One of the special ed teachers came in and observed the class that I was teaching and I really wasn't nervous. It was really exciting and she told me that I did a really good job! That for sure boosted my self esteem a little!
8.) I have not had time for anything personal whatsoever. I hardly even read at night which is so unlike me! I am so tired at 8:30 that I go in my room, read my scriptures and go to bed.
9.) An all boy class is really hard work. I can't decide who talks more boys or girls. I am beginning to think that boys talk more than girls do.
10.) Sleep is very important! It is hard going from not working for 3 1/2 years to working. Where I was able to pretty much get as much sleep as I needed I am now forced to go to bed much earlier and get up much earlier! I like it though. My days definitely feel more productive. It is certainly an adjustment period that I am going through.
I did teach my first class this week. It is nice that my teacher is letting me teach two of her classes because she guides and helps me for the first one and than I can pretty much do the second class without any help. I am now dreading teaching this advanced boys class. I will try to step up to the challenge sometime this week or next.
I was able to help the sister missionaries out this week and it really made my week! I love giving service to others even though I am so busy. I love having the sister's in our home and feeling of their sweet spirits!
This pretty much sums up my week! Hope the rest of my bloggin' friends had a great week as well!